gentleman group sex

Top 5 rules of quality group sex

Perhaps of course, sign of full degradation of morals, but, nevertheless, recently a set of couples seek to participate in group sex.

We interviewed experts and made top-5 rules of high-quality group sex. You should know these rules if you are just starting to practice such sex way or already had few sessions but experience was not good at all. These top rules will help to have better group sex.

Rule No. 1 – Nobody has to neither shirk, nor remain deprived. It is a priority supposed that people, agreeing to group sex, secretly agree to give equal attention to all partners. For example, if “rub-rub” intima in a format, then each man is obliged to caress each lady.

Rule No. 2 – Sex with the minimum breaks. Any delay is real like death for orgasms. Both men, and women at the time of change of partners have to be active and brought together in the actions.

Rule No. 3 – The most skilled couple sets the direction and latently directs the others – in games, poses, actions, options of caress etc. And to beginners not to perform in a genre “with mustache”, and to submit to indications of “skilled”. repeating after active couple.

Rule No. 4 – To carefully distribute the sexual opportunities. As a rule, the people who seized upon group sex violently are engaged in it. It also leads often to an embarrassment. The main indicator of group sex – duration. Therefore, all participants need to save the power to the maximum.

Rule No. 5 – To come with the sex toys and contraception. Safe group sex is inconceivable without mountains of condoms and medicines-spermicides. If people want to use sex toys (a dildo or a butt plug, for example), then properly disinfected will approach only their own, also.